Elemental Analysis


Kieran Flanagan

Professor Kieran Flanagan,
Founding Director

Professor of Physics at the University of Manchester, Kieran brings internationally recognised experience in atomic and nuclear physics research. He has extensive experience building teams by finding the best people to get results.

Giles Edwards

Dr Giles Edwards,
Chief Scientific Officer

Accomplished scientist with specialised experience developing the science for a wide range of new and advanced mass spectrometry techniques.

Chris Yates

Dr Chris Yates,
Chief Financial Officer

Senior Finance Executive with a 20-year track record in Investment Banking. Extensive experience in financial reporting, management and leadership.

Holly Perrett,
Nuclear Physicist

Part of the Next Generation Nuclear CDT program at the University of Manchester. Adapting techniques learned during training on CERN fundamental physics experiments for analytical applications.

Bernard Stebbing

Bernard Stebbing,
Sales Director

An experienced sales leader with proven success in a range of both large multi-national and small early stage companies, Bernard puts this success down to his consultative solution sales approach, ensuring satisfied customers who maximise their return on investment and are happy to give ongoing referrals.

Sam Smithies

Sam Smithies,
Laboratory Analyst

Honours student at the University of Manchester with a keen interest in quantum and nuclear physics.

Jordan Reilly

Jordan Reilly,
Nuclear Physicist

The focus of my research is laser spectroscopy of light elements, in particular the neutron-rich isotopes of aluminium. I spent a large proportion of my PhD program based at CERN, partaking in multiple atomic and molecular laser spectroscopy experiments.

Diane Turner

Dr Diane Turner,
Scientific Advisor

Experienced analytical chemist, president of the Royal Society of Chemistry Analytical Division and trustee of the Analytical Chemistry Trust Fund. Owner and senior consultant at Anthias Consulting Ltd.

Diane Turner

Dr Inna Nesmiyan,
Nuclear Physicist

Nuclear Physicist and a former University of Manchester postdoctoral researcher, Inna brings a broad expertise in the field of accelerator technology and environmental analytics gained in various international research centres such as CERN, GSI and the National Research Centre for Radiation Medicine, Kiev.

Matt Duggan

Matt Duggan,
Nuclear Physicist

PhD researcher in nuclear physics at the University of Manchester. With a background in physics and nuclear engineering, Matthew provides the team with experience in electronics, CAD, and instrumentation development.

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